Calze GM Sport Blossom Reactive trekking socks

As low as ₣ 18.01
Regular Price ₣ 20.01
Calze GM Sport Blossom Reactive trekking socks
As low as ₣ 18.01
Regular Price ₣ 20.01
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GM Sport Regeneration Reactive socks are hiking socks that pay tribute to biodiversity. If you practice hiking, trekking, mountain walking and cycling adventures, these are the right socks: in combed organic cotton they ensure comfort and durability.

80% Organic combed cotton
10% Polyamide
10% Elastane

Ethic cotton: cotton that meets the requirements of sustainable agricultural production based on economy, environmental protection, less application of pesticides, water wastage, land use and social responsibility.
Combed cotton: this is the result of the combing process that reorders the carded fibres, eliminating those residual fibres that are shorter and weaker. The result is a high quality cotton yarn, very durable, with a shiny appearance and little hair.

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MarchioCalze GM Sport

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