E9 Enove Pop women's down jacket

As low as ₣ 94.96
Regular Price ₣ 126.46
E9 Enove Pop women's down jacket
As low as ₣ 94.96
Regular Price ₣ 126.46
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E9 Enove Pop is a new women's down jacket for the 2020/2021 winter season!

Made from 100% recycled polyester lining, it features a small logo on the front and one on the back. The interior with the contrasting color makes it really pleasing to the eye and its regular fit is perfect for both the city and crag climbing!

The special thing about Corn is the padding. This is in fact made up of a synthetic fiber called Sorona by DuPont, a fiber deriving from corn that guarantees excellent thermal insulation while being very breathable at the same time.

Plus, the result is a very soft, light and compressible padding!

Maggiori Informazioni
StagioneAutunno-Inverno 2023-2024
Materiale100% Poliestere

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