Oliunìd Shop Padova

Oliunìd Shop Padova

Via Sacro Cuore 42
Padova, 35135

Attention: these opening hours may vary for various reasons.
We advise you to always refer to Google if you want to stay up-to-date on our opening hours.


Shop specializing in footwear, equipment and clothing for climbing, via ferratas and trekking, which also offers a service for resoling climbing shoes and cutting lanyards.

Oliunìd Shop Padova is located a few meters from the Intellighenzia Project climbing gym.


How to get there

  • By car: our shop is 5 minutes away from the toll booth Padova Ovest on the A4 highway. You can park right in front of the shop or in the nearby via Grigno.
  • By bus: you can take the line 13 bus from the Padova train station. The bus stop is 3 minutes away from our shop. 
    Due to the situation, the shop's opening hours might differ. Please refer to Google for more precise information.
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