Oliunìd Shop Verona

Oliunìd Shop Verona

Via Cà Nova Zampieri 4/g
Verona, 37057

Attention: these opening hours may vary for various reasons.
We advise you to always refer to Google if you want to stay up-to-date on our opening hours.


Oliunìd Shop Verona specializes in equipment, footwear and clothing for climbing, mountaineering, via ferrata and trekking.

It also offers a soling service for climbing shoes and cord cutting.

Located in San Giovanni Lupatoto, it is only ten minutes from Verona. Managed by the Chicco!


How to get there

  • By car: you can park right in front of our shop! If you can't find place in our car park you can park in the large car park at the roundabout "Lupa"
  • By bus: you can get to our shop by taking lines 138 or 22 from the city of Verona in direction San Giovanni Lupatoto.
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