Oliunìd Shop Vicenza

Oliunìd Shop Vicenza

Via Filzi 97
Creazzo, 36051

Attention: these opening hours may vary for various reasons.
We advise you to always refer to Google if you want to stay up-to-date on our opening hours.


Oliunìd Shop Vicenza is our first shop, a reference point for climbing and mountaineering equipment in Vicenza.

You can also find a vast assortment of clothing and equipment for other outdoor activities such as trekking, ski mountaineering, trail running, caving.

We also offer a climbing shoe resoling service, cord cutting, ski touring ski drilling.


How to get there

  • By car: our shop is 5 minutes away from the Vicenza Ovest toll booth on the A4 highway. You can park right in front of our shop.
  • By bus: line 12/14 from the train station and stepping off at "Strada regionale 11 civico 64". We are 5 minutes' walk away.
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