Terms and Conditions


General Terms and Conditions

These general conditions have as their object the purchase of products and services, carried out remotely via internet on the website oliunid.com/eu belonging to LDR S.P.A. Unipersonale with registered office in via Fabio Filzi 97, 36051 Creazzo - (VI).

Purchases on our site are subject to the discipline of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005, dictated in the field of distance contracts in cases where the goods are delivered to the purchaser's domicile, as these purchases are made outside of business premises.


Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions

The contract stipulated between the customer and Oliunìd shall be considered concluded with the acceptance, even partial, of the order by Oliunìd. Such acceptance is considered tacit, unless otherwise communicated to the customer by any means. By placing an order in the various ways provided, you declare as a customer that you have read all the information provided to you during the purchase procedure, and that you fully accept the general terms and conditions of payment transcribed below.

If you are a customer-consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases goods for purposes not related to his professional activity), once the online purchase procedure is completed, you will print or save an electronic copy and in any case keep these general conditions of sale, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 206/2005 on distance selling.


Payment Methods

On Oliunìd you can pay for your order with one of the following means:


  • PayPal
  • credit card,
  • Scalapay 
  • money transfer


Minimum Order Amount

For shipping to the UK the order must be a minimum of £135


Cancellation Policy

Oliunìd reserves the right to cancel orders if the shipment is too expensive. We are referring to heavy and/or bulky products (such as crash pads) to be shipped outside the European Union or to areas that are difficult to reach such as the islands even in the European Union (Malta, Canary Islands, etc.). In these cases we reserve the right to contact the client to inform them about the shipping costs and to cancel the order and refund the full amount.

Oliunìd also reserves the right to cancel orders where one or more items have an incorrect purchase price, due to a typo or an error in entering the price. In these cases we reserve the right to contact the customer to inform him of the error and to cancel the order by fully refunding the amount paid.


Tax Refund

We don't accept tax refunds. The only time VAT is not included in the price is for online orders shipping outside the European Union.



All prices visible on this website are gross and do include VAT.


Exclusion of Liability

The information obtained from the website oliunid.com in all its parts is purely informative. Under no circumstances shall the company or any other party connected to it be liable for any damage that may be connected to the use of the information published in the posts and videos, which are to be taken only as an integral part of a training process to be carried out together with qualified personnel. The absence of errors and the absolute correctness of the information disclosed cannot be guaranteed.



Oliunìd - All you Need for Climbing

Oliunìd is property of LDR S.P.A. Unipersonale

United States